NHCA continues to monitor the CDC, national organizations, and other hearing health entities for pertinent information to share.
1. NHCA Task Force COVID-19 Guidelines In cooperation with CAOHC, NHCA has developed a best practices document of guidelines for hearing testing during the COVID-19 pandemic. CLICK HERE to download .pdf.
2. COVID-19 Community Forum This open forum allows any member of NHCA to post news, ideas, best practices, questions and concerns surrounding COVID-19. Please feel free to use this at your will. Log in to the Member Center, then click on Community Forums and then Updates.
3. Monthly e-News We will continue to send out non-urgent updates in our monthly E-News.
4. NHCA Program Task Force The Program Chair and Director of Education will keep abreast of developments as they plan future NHCA conferences.
5. Resources
Feel free to contact us any time at [email protected].