Member Discussion Forums

Just as a reminder, the Member Discussion Forums are a GREAT member benefit that we hope every member will take advantage of. Don't know what they are for? You can tell us your ideas. Pose your inquiries. How are you problem-solving what you’ve encountered? What problem(s) need resolving? What new or revised policy decisions will you be implementing? Is there anything we can do in the name of NHCA that will strengthen your voice in the hearing conservation population you serve and beyond? And so much more.

Members, after you login to your NHCA profile on the website, click on the 'Community Forum' tab. 


Next, click on 'Discussion Forum' on the left side. 

Here, you can click on and view/reply to an established topic, or you can start a new topic discussion. 


As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].